Welcome to Stow Maine
The Heart of the Cold River Valley
710 Stow Road
Stow, Me 04037
Phone: (207)-697-2007
Fax: (207) 697-2136
Email: townclerk@stowmaine.us
Selectman Jim Wilfong
Selectman Ray Ryan
Selectman Carl Lindblade
(General Assistance Officer)
Code Enforcement Officer
Alan Broyer
(our CEO 's office is in Lovell)
Animal Control Officer
Cindy Eaton
​We are upgrading our website, please take this survey to help us make it better please click below:
The tax map links for 2024 and the
2024 commitment book is posted below.
Tax bills were sent out 10/29/24.
Taxes are due the 1st of December each year
​Thank you for paying your taxes on time!
​​​​​Tax Rate: 0.015850
Tax Due Date: 12/01/2024
Taxes Committed: 10/24/2024​
Friendly Reminder about 911 addresses
It is a good idea to have your address registered with 911 services so that in an emergency, a rescue squad can locate your residence. Furthermore, a 911 address is required for broadband service.
The town has received grant funding of $299,371 this year.
See details of Grant Revenue here:
Town Office Hours:
Mondays 1:00 - 6:00
Tuesdays 2:00 - 6:00
Thursdays 9:00-12:00
​ ​​​​Other important dates:
Annual Town Meeting :
​​Saturday March 15, 2025 1 pm
The Selectboard will have an addtional board meeting, the Tuesday after the Town Meeting, Tuesday March 18th at 6:00 pm.
​Selectmen Meetings :
2nd and 4th Tuesday of the Month 6:00pm
Planning Board Meetings:
2nd Monday of the month 6:00pm.
Road Task Force Meetings :
2nd and 4th Thursday of the Month 7:00pm
Budget Committee Meetings:
July 17, Oct 16 at 6:30 pm
additional dated TBD
Please call the office before coming to be sure it is open if there is a pending storm. Thank you! All meetings are held at the Town Hall unless otherwise noted.
​​Road Work:
Reminder: Roads have been posted through May 15th, please be aware of the weight limit of 23,000 lbs.
If there is a downed tree or obstruction in a town road, please call 911. If there is a non emergency issue please call Selectman Ray Ryan 207-329-8205 Jim Wilfong 207-716-4666 or Carl Lindblade 603-731-0650.
For the state road (route 113), please call Maine DOT in Fryeburg:
Some roads in town are closed during the winter, for the latest information please see this link from the Forest Service:
The Selectboard has created a Road Task Force click here for details: